
Jackson Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Jackson Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

A spinal cord injury (SCI) happens when this vital neural pathway sustains damage and signals sent from your brain to the rest of your body are disrupted. These usually have major consequences, such as causing the loss of function of one’s legs. When these injuries are caused by negligence, the responsible party should be held accountable for their actions.

A Jackson spinal cord injury lawyer can help you get the justice you deserve. The compensation we aid you in recovering can help you cover your medical bills and lost wages as well as your future health care, diminished earning capacity, home renovations, access to wheelchair-accessible transportation, and caregiving.

We offer free consultations at Pittman, Roberts & Welsh, PLLC. So, let’s talk about the preventable accident that caused your injuries and the rights that Mississippi gives you to take legal action after a permanently disabling incident such as yours.

How Does Spinal Damage Occur?

Neck and back injuries that lead to severed spinal cords often happen when these body parts are subjected to significant force or disruption. MedlinePlus lists the following as some of the leading reasons that someone may suffer one of these injuries:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Car wrecks, truck crashes, and motorcycle accidents can cause severe trauma to the spine, especially when they occur at a high rate of speed. According to the Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission (BSITF), 38% of spine injuries happen because of motor vehicle accidents.
  • Workplace Accidents: These injuries can happen in the workplace, too. Those who work in construction may get injured if they fall from ladders or heights. Falls account for 30.5% of spine injuries, according to the non-profit, Life Rolls On.
  • Electric Shock: Electrocution is also a dangerous occurrence that can hurt the spine.

However, the truth is that a wide variety of intentional acts, such as a physical assault, and preventable accidents, such as the use of dangerous products, medical malpractice, or nursing home abuse can all potentially result in a person suffering spinal cord injuries (SCIs).

Injuries Associated with SCIs

When the spine experiences trauma, there’s a chance that the following injuries could happen:

  • Broken vertebrae could leave behind bone fragments that could permeate into the spine
  • Metal fragments, such as those that often become dislodged from a vehicle during an auto accident, could injure the spine
  • Bruising around the weakened bones or discs could occur
  • There could be intense pulling or twisting in the head, neck, or back because of the accident

If you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury yourself and are experiencing the symptoms described above, of course, your first course of action should be seeking medical attention. However, if you believe you can attribute the onset of your injury to someone else’s actions, you should next consult with a Jackson spinal cord injury lawyer.

Our Jackson spinal cord injury attorneys are here to discuss your injury incident with you so that they can advise you of your legal options for making a financial recovery for your losses.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Now that you know how these SCIs happen, it’s important to better understand more about these types of injuries and their consequences.

There isn’t one kind of spinal cord injury. Instead, they’re classified differently depending on the level of damage and where the injury occurs.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) classifies SCIs as follows:

  • Incomplete Injury. There is still some movement and sensation below the injury site.
  • Complete Injury. The spinal cord can’t send signals below the site of the injury, which can cause paralysis.

Additionally, the spine is divided up into several sections:

  • Cervical Vertebrae. There are seven cervical vertebrae in the neck, called C1-C7.
  • Thoracic Vertebrae. The 12 thoracic vertebrae, T1-T12, are in the upper back.
  • Lumbar Vertebrae. The five lumbar vertebrae L1-L5 are in the lower back.
  • Sacral Vertebrae. Located beneath the lumbar vertebrae, the five fused sacral vertebrae form the sacrum.
  • The four vertebrae below the sacrum are the coccyx (tailbone).

Depending on where the injury is, the general kinds of SCIs that often occur fit into one of the two following broader categories:

  • This injury affects the C1-T1 vertebrae. The person could lose sensation or mobility in their head or neck, upper body, pelvic organs, and legs.
  • This spinal cord injury affects the T2-S5. Typically, those with this injury lose feeling and mobility in the lower half of their body, but it can affect someone from the chest down.

As you very well know, if you yourself have suffered an SCI, this spinal cord damage requires intense care from the moment the injury happens. Let’s look into the process of what one may expect after the injury.

What Happens After a Spinal Cord Injury?

Another NIH resource details how there are several types of treatment options for addressing injuries to spinal cords, and those don’t all happen in the emergency room.

At the scene of the accident, emergency responders will try to limit the movement of the spine as much as possible. A neck brace and carrying board can help immobilize the spine.

When the person reaches the emergency room, medical care providers will constantly monitor the patient’s vitals, especially their ability to breathe. They will also continue to limit mobility, so that further damage to the patient’s spinal cord doesn’t happen.

There are a few ways that a spinal injury is treated:

  • During a surgical procedure, spinal fluid, tissue, fragments, bone, or disc may be removed.
  • This process will align the spine and give it stability.
  • There is a steroid called Methylprednisolone (Medrol) that can reduce nerve cell damage if it’s administered to the person within the first eight hours of the injury.

But the care for an SCI doesn’t stop there. These methods can help, but it’s likely that someone will need multiple forms of care during their recovery. Some may not be able to fully recover. Medical care and equipment that patients may need include:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Vocational Therapy
  • Recreational Therapy
  • Medical Devices: Wheelchairs, Braces, Walkers
  • Techniques for Personal Hygiene

Affording this care can be difficult. You’ll need a Jackson spinal cord injury lawyer who will get you fair compensation for your injuries. While it may seem like a complex fight, your settlement will give you financial security so you get the care you need. Contact us to discuss your potential Hinds County injury case now.

What Should I Do If Someone Was Responsible for My Spinal Cord Injury?

If you or a loved one has a spinal cord injury, you already know that these accidents are life-changing. While some causes are accidental, there are other times when the actions of another person lead to these injuries. In these cases, you have the right to pursue a legal claim against them under Mississippi law.

SCI patients can receive compensation to address the life-altering impact of their injuries. Damage recovered can go to pay for:

  • Medical expenses: These can easily reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Since many spinal cord injuries are long-term, compensation must calculate both the initial costs and anticipated future medical needs.
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity: Hopefully, you can return to work. In these cases, you can claim wages lost during recovery. Unfortunately, most injuries result in partial or complete loss of wage-earning capacity.
  • Physical pain and suffering: Experiencing a spinal cord injury often results in physical pain and emotional trauma. You have the right to collect compensation to cover the losses incurred due to the injury.
  • Mental anguish: The effects of a spinal cord injury are a life-altering event for the victim and their family members. You may be able to claim damages for emotional suffering, lifestyle changes, and inability to participate in the lives of your loved ones.

A complimentary consultation with a spinal cord injury lawyer in Jackson can be helpful as you try to gain a clearer picture of the possible compensation available in your case.

Get in Touch With a Jackson Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Filing a claim is the next step to resolving this matter after you’re under the care of a physician. We can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have proper representation.

Unfortunately, insurance companies will take any avenue that will help them pay you less. This could mean offering a settlement that’s less than you should be owed. You deserve to know a Jackson spinal cord injury lawyer is looking out for your best interests. Rest assured, when you work with us at Pittman, Roberts & Welsh, PLLC will fight for you so you don’t have to question the future.

We understand how debilitating an SCI can be, but you can have peace of mind knowing that we’ll do everything to win you a settlement that will help you receive the best possible care. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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