
Jackson Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Jackson Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer

While all accidents are unexpected, a fall can be immediately jarring and result in serious injuries. You’re either falling forward, which can injure your knees, wrists, or face, or you’re falling backward, which can lead to head trauma, spinal cord damage, a hip fracture, or another broken bone.

Whether you’re in a public place or on someone’s private property, you have the right to hold the responsible party accountable for your fall, as well as the physical, financial, and emotional consequences. A Jackson slip and fall accident lawyer on our staff can explain your rights and help you protect them.

If you’re concerned about medical bills and lost wages, we will investigate the circumstances of your fall and work to pursue compensation for the burdens associated with your accident. If you’re ready to have an attorney review your case, look no further than our firm, Pittman, Roberts & Welsh, PLLC. We offer free consultations to discuss your potential Hinds County case.

How Common Are Slip and Fall Accidents?

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of people fall every year. While many falls do not result in injury, the ones that do can be severe. Let’s take a look at the facts and statistics surrounding slip and fall accidents:

  • One out of 10 falls results in an injury that causes the older adult to restrict their activities for a day or more or to seek attention from the healthcare system.
  • Each year, there are about 3 million emergency department visits due to older people’s falls.
  • Each year, there are about 1 million fall-related hospitalizations among older adults.
  • In 2019, 83% percent of hip fracture deaths and 88% of emergency department visits and hospitalizations for hip fractures were caused by falls.
  • Each year, nearly 319,000 older people are hospitalized for hip fractures.
  • Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Common Causes of Slips and Falls

There are a number of factors that contribute to falling. While many of these are hazards or dangers like broken or uneven steps, spills, or clutter, there are factors that can increase or decrease depending on the person. These risks, especially for older individuals, include:

  • Vision problems
  • Difficulties with walking and balance
  • Lower body weakness
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Foot pain
  • Poor footwear
  • Certain medications

While the risk factors above are different depending on the individual, there are certain places where these types of accidents are more likely to happen.

Speak With a Jackson Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Near You

Where Do These Fall Accidents Happen Most Often in Mississippi?

While slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, there are certain locations and situations where the chance is greater.

  • Stairs are a common slip and fall location because they aren’t always kept clear. This is especially true at churches and worship centers that do not have entry ramps for older individuals who have difficulty walking. You may have the grounds for a premises liability case if you fall on stairs, which should have been kept clear by the owner of a property.
  • Grocery Stores. Liquid and food spills happen frequently in grocery stores. If the mess isn’t cleaned up or marked as a hazard, someone could easily slip and fall.
  • Many workers’ compensation claims are associated with falls that occurred in the workplace. This is most common in the construction and manufacturing industries and the medical field.
  • Hotels/Casinos. Hotels and casinos are often filled with people. Because of the crowds, it can be difficult for employees to identify hazards like torn carpets or spilled drinks.
  • Spills, just like in grocery stores, are not uncommon in restaurants. As a result, wait staff and diners are at risk of falling.

If you’ve experienced a fall in any of the above locations, or somewhere else, any Jackson slip and fall accident lawyer on our team is prepared to represent you.

What Injuries Are Associated With a Slip and Fall Accident?

Depending on the severity of the accident, a slip and fall can change a person’s day, month, or even life. The injuries, which range depending on where and how the fall happens, can be painful and expensive to recover from. The most common injuries associated with slips and falls include the following:

  • Head Injuries. Even a minor head injury can be a medical emergency. If you fall and hit your head, especially if there is bleeding, swelling, or a brief loss of consciousness, immediate medical attention is necessary.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries. While soft tissue injuries aren’t visible, they can take weeks or longer to heal. These injuries can range from a minor ankle or wrist sprain to devastating tears in ligaments and tendons.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries. This type of injury can be life-threatening and may result in a lifelong disability or death. Immediate and ongoing medical treatment is necessary.
  • Broken bones are painful and range greatly in severity. While a minor fracture may heal over the course of a series of weeks or months, more severe breaks may require surgeries and physical therapy.
  • Abrasions/Lacerations/Contusions. While generally superficial, bruises and cuts can look quite severe. Stitches may be necessary in some cases. More serious injuries are often underneath superficial wounds.

How Are Settlements for Slip and Fall Cases Determined?

Mississippi law does allow victims harmed due to another party’s negligence to pursue compensation for their losses. However, before you can file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit in Hinds County, it’s necessary to address four questions surrounding your slip and fall:

  • Did you have permission to be on the property?
  • Who is liable for the accident?
  • How did the liable party’s actions contribute to your accident?
  • Did you cause your accident in any way?

In order for a slip and fall case to proceed, you need to establish if you were an invitee and a licensee. A simple way to think about these two premise categories is that an invitee is a customer, and a licensee is a guest. In either scenario, the property owner owes a duty of care to maintain a safe environment and warn a visitor about a potential hazard.

Property owners are supposed to provide a clear space for others to walk. If there are hazards, like poor lighting, limited visibility, or clutter, and someone falls, they can be held liable for their negligence.

If you make an insurance claim, the carrier will conduct a thorough investigation to determine if you were responsible in any way for your accident. For instance, did you ignore warning signs, or were you wearing shoes without treads?

Even though it might seem like a fall was your fault, there may be circumstances that contributed to that fall’s occurrence that are the result of someone else’s negligence. You can count on your skilled Jackson slip and fall accident lawyer from our office to investigate your claim and build a case to prove your injury incident should have been prevented by the property owner or their staff.

How Can a Jackson Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Help?

If you’ve been injured in a dangerous property situation like this, you owe it to yourself to talk to an experienced attorney from Pittman, Roberts & Welsh, PLLC. Each Jackson slip and fall lawyer on our team has years of experience handling a variety of personal injury matters, including premises liability cases like these. To learn about your legal rights and options, contact our law firm today.

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