Nursing Home Abuse Reporting Requirements

Published on Aug 27, 2024 at 1:48 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

There are around 202 licensed nursing homes in the country, and of that number, just four received a 5 out of 5 overall rating from a survey conducted by U.S. News and World Report. That doesn’t mean the other nursing homes aren’t worthy, but it is important to note that any nursing home could be the subject of a complaint. If your loved one has been the victim of any sort of abuse, you should know about the correct nursing home abuse reporting requirements.

How To Find Out if a Nursing Home Has Violations

Published on Jul 30, 2024 at 3:10 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

Picking a nursing home for your elderly loved one might be one of your family’s most important decisions. After all, you’re putting your trust in that facility to provide around-the-clock care. Unfortunately, some of those nursing homes don’t live up to their promises of care. Mississippi Today ran a story last December that found only two out of the 200 nursing homes in our state failed to match the recommended staffing levels. That is just one resource that you should utilize when trying to find out if a nursing home has violations.

How Often Do Infections Lead to Sepsis in Nursing Homes?

Published on Dec 8, 2023 at 12:44 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

How Often Do Infections Lead to Sepsis in Nursing Homes
Many people worry about contracting an illness or infection. Worries tend to be highest the less control individuals have over others and their environments, such as in assisted living facilities. Recovering from health conditions can prove challenging for some people. This motivates our law firm, Pittman, Roberts & Welsh, PLLC, to address how often infections lead to sepsis in nursing homes and share what you need to know to minimize your susceptibility to it.

What Is Considered Abuse in a Nursing Home?

Published on Sep 22, 2023 at 6:59 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

What Is Considered Abuse in a Nursing Home
Abuse is when you treat someone with cruelty or violence, usually regularly or repeatedly. In a nursing home, this can present itself in a number of ways, from rude verbal interactions to stealing money from residents, physically attacking residents, preventing them from getting care, and more.

It’s believed that only one in 25 instances of nursing home abuse is actually reported; that’s a reporting rate of only 4%. The residents themselves may be afraid they’ll experience retaliation, they might be embarrassed or ashamed, or they might not be physically or mentally capable of reporting the abuse.

How Often Do Instances of Verbal Abuse Happen in Nursing Homes?

Published on Oct 14, 2021 at 3:10 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

Message bubble

The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) has conducted studies showing that approximately one in ten older adults living in a community environment is a victim of abuse. And recent 2021 World Health Organization (WHO) reports indicate that one in six people aged 60 or older experienced abuse in the past year. Sadly, rates of abuse have only increased since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to WHO statistics. After learning how to recognize verbal abuse and its warning signs, reach out to a Jackson, MS nursing home abuse lawyer if you suspect that someone you know may have been the victim of verbal abuse.

Special Care Considerations Needed for Dementia Patients in Nursing Homes

Published on Jul 14, 2021 at 6:02 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

Special Care Considerations Needed for Dementia Patients in Nursing Homes

When your loved one has dementia, you may entrust their care to the professionals in a nursing home. This way, they can be around experienced doctors, nurses, and other caring staff who know how to give your loved one the quality of life they deserve. It’s important to look for a nursing home that can provide your loved one with the care they need. In order to make sure the home is right for your loved one, you should know about the special care considerations needed for dementia patients in nursing homes.

Should I Move My Loved One if Abuse Is Reported at Their Nursing Home?

Published on Apr 15, 2021 at 3:17 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

Elderly people holding hands

When your loved one is in a nursing home, you may wonder if they’re getting the best care possible. You may have also heard that some nursing homes can mistreat their residents. If your loved one is in a nursing home that has a report of abuse, you may want to move your loved one immediately. Let’s go over the situations where you should consider moving your loved one from their nursing home.

Conditions That May Increase the Chances of Elder Abuse Occurring

Published on Mar 4, 2021 at 2:38 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

Senior citizen sitting next to others holding a ball

The elderly population contains some of the most vulnerable people in our country. While some older Americans as mentally sharp, physically fit, and able to take care of themselves even late into their lives, others aren’t as fortunate and rely on others for their care. Relying on others can be a gamble because not all caretakers will treat your loved one how they deserve to be treated.

Reporting Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in Mississippi

Published on May 21, 2020 at 3:49 pm in Nursing Home Abuse.

Old couple sitting together

When your loved one is no longer able to care for themselves on their own, or you’re not able to care for them in your home anymore, you resort to trusting a nursing home to provide them with the care that they need. Unfortunately, staffing shortages, too-long hours, and other factors can sometimes lead to your loved one getting subpar, or even abusive, care in their long-term facility. When you notice this happening, you might feel confused because it’s not what you had in mind for your loved one, and you thought this facility would be better.

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